Lujain Alkhalifa
Al Faisal University
Title: Awareness assessment of diabetic eye health in a tertiary hospital in Saudi Arabia
Biography: Lujain Alkhalifa
Introduction: Saudi Arabia is considered as the seventh highest rate in the world in terms of diabetes incidence with about 3.4 million people having been diagnosed with diabetes in 2015. The recent estimate of the disease showed that 24.4% of the adult population is suffering from DM.
Aim: The objective of this study was to investigate among diabetic population of Riyadh region of KSA their awareness, attitude and practices towards this disease and to provide the participants more knowledge for its complications.
Materials & Methods: Observational cross sectional survey conducted among Saudi population aged 12 years and over who attended diabetic clinic in King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh (KFSH&RC), Saudi Arabia during October 2016. 59 patients were interviewed to answer a questionnaire which included the demographic profile of the patients, details of their diabetes and awareness of its complications on eye health.
Results: Age of the patients ranged from 13- 88 years with an average duration of diabetes is 8 years. Out of 59 patients, 44% of the patients were from rural areas, 50% were males, 39% had secondary education, 33% were graduates and above and only 18% of the patients had their eyes never been checked in the last 12 months. The awareness of complications of diabetes on eye health among the Saudi population recruited in our study was detected in 83% of the patients. In addition to 82% of the patient have a regular eye exam.
Conclusion: In our study, although 44% of the patients were from rural areas and 33% were graduates, 82% of the participants were aware that diabetes can affect the eyes indicating that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had achieved a notable economic growth and improvement in life quality.