Kristina Mikek
Morela Okulisti
Title: Femtosecond laser or mikrokeratome: What to choose in LASIK?
Biography: Kristina Mikek
Purpose: LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis) is the far most preferred technique in laser refractive surgery with excimer laser. We use femtosecond laser technology for the creation of the flap.
Methods: When we decide for LASIK surgery we have to choose the right patient in terms of the parameters measured at the time of preoperative examinations: the amount of refraction with or without astigmatism and corneal thickness. Besides this, corneal topography and corneal back surface scanned with the Pentacam device are very important. For successful surgery we have to have the right value of the keratometric numbers and the right diameter of the cornea (WTW: White to White). Last but not the least in the decision for LASIK surgery with microkeratome or femtosecond laser in creation of the flap, is the anatomy of the orbit and the eyelids (deep set eyes).
Results: In the presentation, I will present in which patients we can use femtosecond LASIK refractive surgery, where LASIK surgery with the microkeratome is not possible or associated potential complications even in the hands of very experienced refractive surgeons.
Conclusion: Femto LASIK with femtosecond laser technology is far the most sophisticated and successful laser refractive surgery method even in patients, where LASIK surgery with microkeratome is not possible or could be associated with flap related complications during the surgery.