Biography: Hemant Mehta
Surgical progress depends on innovations. The aim of this presentations is to outline some of my innovations and improvisations, the circumstances and fundamental concepts leading to their origin, with a view to inviting clinicians to consider breaking away – sensibly – from convention at appropriate times. The context and the qualities required of a would-be innovator are described.
Rigid adherence to prevailing assumptions and practices stifles originality, while a questioning attitude with a smidgen of irreverence facilitates innovations, which may be planned or brought about by serendipity. An innovation by serendipity may be less glamorous, but no less useful. Author’s innovations of quilting of a skin graft, spontaneous reformation of eyelids, simultaneous use of spontaneous repair with partial surgical reconstruction, and other innovations will be described. Working in a small hospital or isolated unit need not be a hindrance to innovating.