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Nawaf Almegbel,

Nawaf Almegbel,

Saudi Arabia

Title: Endophthalmitis and Phthisis Bulbi - A Complication of Radial Keratotomy


Biography: Nawaf Almegbel,


Background: Radial keratotomy (RK) incisions carry the risk of being full thickness an
have a high risk for producing serious infections in addition to its other complications.

CASE REPORT A 45 year old lady who presented with endophthalmitis two weeks after RK. A full thickness RK incision resulted in endophthalmitis that was efficiently treated with vitrectomy and injection of intravitreal antibiotics. Though the infection was controlled, the eye ended up in phthisis bulbi with NLP vision.

RK carries the risk of serious ocular infections in addition to its other complications. Safer techniques such as laser refractive surgery should replace RK today.