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Georgii Kliuiev

Georgii Kliuiev

The Health Technology Ltd, Ukraine

Title: Micropulse laser transscleral contact-compression cyclocoagulation in the treatment of patients with refractory glaucoma


Biography: Georgii Kliuiev


The method of micropulse transscleral contact-compression diode laser cyclocoagulation (MTCCLCC) is considered to be safe and rather effective method of treatment for lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucoma. Especially it is very important for patients that act as resistant to medical and surgical treatment. In recent years, MTCCLCC is becoming a more common procedure as an alternative to surgical interventions for refractory glaucoma, which is difficult to treat. In this context, the aim of our study is to evaluate the effectiveness of our methodology of MTCCLCC in the treatment of patients with refractory glaucoma. To assess the effectiveness of MTCCLCC in 84 patients (88 eyes) with refractory glaucoma, it was researched IOP before and after treatment. The patient’s condition was observed up to three years. MTCCLCC have been repeated if the IOP was not adequate after one month of observation. Data are presented as M±m. For data analysis, paired Wilcoxon test with SPSS 10 was used. Before applying MTCCLCC to patients with refractory glaucoma, IOP was in the range of 18-58 mm Hg on maximum medical therapy. The average value of the group was 33.05 mm Hg. There was a significant reduction already after one day of observation among patients after the one-time treatment of MTCCLCC. These patients had the IOP 24.07±2.06 mm Hg which accounted 72.8% compared with the original data (33.05±1.13 mm Hg). In the average period of observation (7-10 days) was noted a steady decrease of IOP and it was 22.19±1.99 mm Hg 67.1% compared to the original data. After treatment, the IOP of patients was significantly reduced to 20.89±1.78 mm Hg which accounted for 63.2% compared with the original data. The obtained data confirm high efficiency of treatment of patients with refractory glaucoma by using our techniques of micropulse transscleral contact-compression diode laser cyclocoagulation (MTCCLCC).