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Dana Ghazaleh

Dana Ghazaleh

An-Najah National University, Palestine


Dana Ghazaleh was born and raised in Palestine, and is now a final year medical student at An-Najah National University, Palestine. Her passion for medicine has come to surface ever since high school where she founded a weekly medical show in the school broadcast to promote health and wellness among the community. She has been part of many voluntary projects which fostered her desire more and more in pursuing her career as a physician. During college years, she expressed great interest in providing competent and compassionate care for a wide variety of patients. Moreover, she realized the role of scientific research as a major contributor to medical care development, so she became a research assistant. Dana was the student representative for a whole of 4 years. Her professional interests include internal medicine and ophthalmology. In her spare time, she loves reading novels, she also enjoys outdoor activities such as Tennis and swimming 


Abstract : Acute multifocal hemorrhagic retinal vasculitis in a child:a case report