Armando Sandoval Vaca
Hospital Metropolitano-Clinivision
Armando Sandoval Vaca is an Ophthalmologist with institutional and private practice in Quito, Ecuador. He is a Medical Doctor from the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Residency in Ophthalmology and fellowship in Vitreo-Retina at the Universidad de Chile, Observerships in Vitreo Retina atthe Jules Stein Eye and Cleveland Clinic, USA, Clinique Sourdille Nantes, France and Hospital de la Luz, México DF. He is the International Member of the ASRS and received Honor Award and Senior Honor Award of the ASRS. He is the Retina Panelist of the Best of the Academy for Spanish speaking Ophthalmologists during consecutive 21 years at the AAO. He is also Faculty Professor of Retina and Neuro Ophthalmology at the Post-Graduate Medical School, Universidad Central, Quito, Ecuador.
Abstract : Inferotemporal dialysis, genetic reghmatogenous retinal detachment in the Andes?