Christiane I Falkner-Radler
Rudolf Foundation Hospital
Christiane I Falkner-Radler is a full time attending Retinal Specialist and Surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology, Rudolf Foundation Clinic, Vienna since 2008. She has conducted several clinical trials and has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals. Her areas of research interest are vitreoretinal disorders and surgical approaches, including retinal detachment surgery and macular surgery and on new advances in combined cataract and vitreoretinal surgery as well as intraoperative optical coherence tomography. She has presented free papers and posters at several international and national meetings and has been accepted as member in the Retina Society, the ASRS, the Club Jules Gonin, the Euretina, the AAO and the ARVO. In addition, she has completed the SOE-Leadership development program “EuLDP” 2010-2011. She has completed several Observerships with the Department of Ophthalmology at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York.